Before & After
Stories from Our Client-Athletes

"I have found my cure. Circuit Works has transformed my understanding of an effective workout and has yielded stellar results. I would switch from cycling to running and trying to pretend I knew how to lift weights, But I never knew how to commit myself. Once I found Circuit Works, I realized there was so much more to working out efficiently. Muscles I never knew I had started to show and fat stored all over is staying off. I feel so much happier and healthier knowing that all it takes is an exciting workout with awesome trainers who motivate and support me along the way. I actually look forward to waking up early each morning before work and making a commitment to myself to stay fit and healthy for a happier me! Thanks Team Circuit Works" Fidel Estrada

"I started circuit works with the unlimited 3 months then transitioned to the 8 times a month program. I supplement circuit works with tennis and yoga, and have found a huge transformation in the way I feel. I went from 175 to 163 pounds and also gained substantial muscle." -Jason Schechter

"I’m an event producer in the action sports/motorsports world and was on the road from April-November of last year. Although I could have easily hit the hotel gym once in a while, I was doubled-up with clients and working long hours. Combine that with destinations like Crandon, WI, that definitely did not have healthy eating options. When “winter” came around, I just couldn’t get myself moving, even though I was constantly festering about how I’d let my body go. But I told myself I was going to workout all 31 days of March and kickstart myself one way or another. The intro offer at Circuitworks was the best thing in the world! I never thought I’d ever be able to push myself in a workout like we do in the CW classes, and my body responded in just 1 month! So, I encourage folks to try it out and see how your body can change in just a few weeks. CW is great!" Liza Markle

“I've been a Circuit Works member for the past 2 years with the unlimited pass. I'm addicted. I've been an avid surfer and overall active person for most of my life. Father time caught up to me and I couldn't figure out how to truly get in shape. I don't do gyms, but figured I could try CW out as it's right by my house. Come to find out the trainers are amazing and the staff is phenomenal. This is by far the best 60 minute workout you can do to maximize the amount of calories burned. It's a great group/team environment that allows me to really push myself. With a diet adjustment, 3 days of Circuit works per week, and mixing it all up with some surf I've lost 35lbs and feel damn good. Thanks guys, you are the best!!” Jason Melvin

"The trainers and workouts at Circuit Works motivate me to work so much harder than I could possibly on my own, and I have so much fun doing it. When I want a great workout, Sean and Kaseem's classes are my go to!" Logan Cahoon

“In 1 month I could tone my body and my clothes already fit better! I came 15 times during my trial month of August and this is the result! I can only think about the body that I will have if I continue doing it! But my only goal is to feel great, with nothing to hide and be healthy, and that's achieved! Also have been eating vegan, 80% raw. Thank you CW and all of the highly energetic encouraging trainers!” Cristel Rossignol

"After packing on the pounds in college I tried many different workouts but never saw the results I was looking for even with a healthy diet. That all changed after I tried Circuit Works for the first time. The classes are intense but effective and I started to see results just after a few weeks. The workouts push you to your limits and inspire you to go farther then you ever thought you were capable of. Thanks to the supportive Circuit Work staff as well Kasseem's life changing workouts I know I am on the right track! I've already lost 45 pounds and 10% body fat. I am not there yet but I know I will get to my goals because of Kasseem and everyone at Circuit Works!" Jacey Binder

"I discovered Circuit Works in 2008. Though I’ve been fit my whole life, I gained nearly 70 pounds when I was pregnant with my son. After he was born, I had limited time and knew that the one hour circuit training sessions were the most efficient (and fun) way to shed the baby weight. With just going 2-3 times a week, I got back to my pre-pregnancy weight in less than a year. Thanks to all you amazing trainers!" Neela Hummel

"Thanks to Circuit Works I got my life back! I'm finally in real control and loving it! I never thought I would love to workout. Circuit Works showed me not only how much fun it is to workout, but also how to enjoy the process!" Jennifer Isaza

"My fitness journey with Circuit Works began in March of 2015 when I needed to find a new place to continue on my fitness journey! Never struggling with weight issues in the past, right before my 40th birthday in May 2010, I found myself overweight and depressed! Being mentally overwhelmed, not noticing what was happening to me physically due to pregnancies, stress and overall life challenges, I joined a friend who was doing an outdoor military style bootcamp and it really saved me in so many ways. Not being able to run when I started and being completely overweight, I went from a 15.50 minutes timed mile to a 8.55 timed mile, and lost about 25 pounds and 16 inches of body fat throughout my entire body while at this bootcamp. This was all working out great until I had to look for a new place because Bootcamp was no longer serving my needs due to some changes. I started noticing muscle loss and started getting slower overall. I had to do something about this. That’s when I found Circuit Works! After trying a few other group fitness workouts, I found Circuit Works to be the best. Since I started Circuit Works back in March of 2015, I have continued to gain a lot more muscle mass, I have become much stronger and I am getting faster in running. I have also lost an additional 20 pounds and 2 pant sizes. Now at age 45, I am in the best shape of my life! Besides all the physical and health benefits, Circuit Works is my daily dose of Prozac and what keeps me going through the day and as I face new life challenges! Circuit Works is fun, challenging and a very friendly environment. They have wonderful trainers and staff and I highly recommend them to anyone looking to make a positive change in their lives. Thank you Circuit Works! :)" Ellie Zakariaie

I’ve always been committed to working out, but never found something I would stick with. I would bounce around from one exercise to the next, thinking if I sweat, that was good enough. I didn’t work out smart, or pay attention to nutrition. When I got engaged, my family made a pact to get healthy for the wedding. I found Circuit Works down the street and instantly became hooked. All the instructors drive you to work hard and treat your body right. Taking the evening classes forces me to eat clean during the day and stay hydrated. Circuit Works is the right kind of balance between cardio and resistance work I am looking for. I am still on my fitness journey, but I am already very pleased with the results I am seeing. I couldn’t do it without the motivation from Sean, Kasseem and Adam…and even when I don’t think I have anything left to give, they come up and increase my speed on the treadmill or make me do burpees :-)" Caitlin Costello

"Before I coming to Circuit Works I was doing what I called the Super Model work out- cardio and abs. The only problem was my body was not changing. No matter how hard I hit the elliptical machine, my body stayed the same. The classes at Circuit Works taught me the lifting weights can actually make you smaller. My body weight stayed the same but the shape of my body changed dramatically. My muscles are longer and leaner and my waist got smaller. I love the classes at Circuit Works because I feel like it's having a personal trainer at a fraction of the cost. I feed off the positive energy of the group and the inspiring trainers. I always leave Circuit Works in a better mood. It's by far the best work out in town!!!" Rebecca Whitman

“Lost 20 pounds from circuit works in the last 6 months. I haven't even changed my diet. I just started working my ass off even harder in class. I would never be able to see these results otherwise. Circuit works has been just what I need. I've been doing it for just under a year now. Typically, I was burning about 750-800 calories in class. Now I burn 1000 or more. It's crazy. It's addicting. And I love it. Really appreciate all the trainers and how each is different and creates a unique yet consistent workout. My goals were pretty simple. I just wanted to feel good. I wanted to feel good in my clothes. I've moved 4 belt loops and now my clothes don't fit! Good problem to have. Thanks for helping me hit my goals." Derek Baynham

"I've been part of the Circuit Works family for 6 and a half years now and I'm so happy Kelsey Thayer introduced me to it in May 2010. Although fitness was always important to me, Circuit Works helped me take my fitness routine to the next level. And as a busy lawyer the 5:30 (now 5:25) am weekday classes enable me to get it a great workout before my morning commute so I have no excuses. Lastly, this HIIT workout is super efficient so instead of an hour plus elliptical workout 6 days a week, I can achieve better results taking the full body Circuit Works class just 4 days a week. Thanks and see you soon for another great circuit!!" Tiaunia Bedell

"7 months ago, I walked into Circuit Works having never lifted a solid weight or dumb bell. I also was absolutely terrified of the treadmill. That day changed my life forever. Training with Sean Williams has enabled me to transform myself into the body I never imagined I could have. Sean's energy, drive and relentless support for his clients and friends goes beyond the gym, it's a lifestyle. I am the most confident, motivated and happy I've ever been. I can't imagine where I'd be would be without Sean and the amazing support of the family I've gained at Circuit Works. I can confidently say: I am in the best shape of my life and I can't wait for what 2017 has in store (beyond a lot more burpees, because bring it!). ---------- Let me know if you need anything else, so so happy and excited with this progress. Thank you guys!” Caitlin Roberts

“I've always been the guy who will commit to something for a couple months, see great results, carry on with my life and then realize I lost all the results I worked so hard for. After getting engaged I wanted to find something that I could stick with. I signed up for a monthly membership in January and started taking class 4-5 days a week. Circuit Works is part of my weekly schedule. I no longer feel like I have to make time or force myself to workout. A big thanks to the amazing instructors Sean, Kasseem, and Adam for keeping me motivated, and my fiancé for signing me up for my first class.” Chris Allen8

“I started my journey towards being healthier after I had gained significant weight when I accepted a job with a long commute. Once my office moved, I dedicated myself towards making smarter food choices and working out regularly. I love circuit works because it gets me out of my comfort zone. I've seen more muscle definition in the past 6 months with circuit works than I have ever seen with personal trainers. This is my favorite gym, and it has really helped me get to where I want to be.” Marissa Tager

"When I first came into your studio I was a little self conscious as I was a bit bigger than most of your clients. Your staff has always been friendly and extremely supportive since the day that I walked in. But I have to talk about Sean and how amazing he has been. I keep coming to your location because of him. He takes the time to get to know you and cares on how you are doing. Which to me it means a lot. It feels amazing to have someone support you when you are going through this process. He has been great in making sure I stay on task and that I don't over due it. The classes are hard. I enjoy the challenge everytime I step into your studio. So I'd like to thank you for hiring such a wonderful trainer at your studio. Because of Sean I have kept at it. I am in this to get sexy for me which on my instagram page that's my # it's #gettingsexyforme. Because at the end of the day the reason I workout hard and show up to class it's for me and Noone else. But I'll take any support I can get. Circuit Works and Sean has definitely been apart ofy journey. I am 55 lbs away from my goal and I can't wait until I reach it with the assistance of your studio. When I come in it feels like a little family. The trainers push us to get better but I know it's because they care. Thank you for being such an amazing place to come and workout!" Marissa San Martin

I've been dieting since the age of 7. I'm not sure anyone knows how to yo-yo diet quite as well as I do. I've fluctuated between overweight and thin for basically my entire life. In January 2015, I was determined to make a REAL change. By April 2015, I was down 20lbs, just through diet and boring gym workouts. At that point, I felt that I could finally go back to Circuit Works (after a 2 year hiatus) and not feel wildly inadequate...which by the way was a completely absurd mental machination. There's actually no need to ever feel inadequate when making a decision to better yourself and your health. The folks at Circuit Works are warm and welcoming to all shapes, sizes, ages and fitness levels. No judgments...ever! "The reality is, I ended up taking my fitness to a whole new level. I usually get to Circuit Works about twice a week. Since introducing Circuit Works back into my life, I've lost an additional 37lbs. I sprinkle in a little barre and cycling, as well, but I really attribute my transformation to Circuit Works (and Sean, of course). I can honestly say that I've never felt as great as I do today. After countless (unused) gym memberships, this is the first time I've gotten stronger, better and more interested in a fitness regime. It's the fastest 1 hour full body workout EVER and I ALWAYS leave feeling a sense of accomplishment. Thank you Circuit Works, Sean and the entire team! I honestly couldn't have done it without you!" Jeanine Intindola

“I’ve been into fitness my whole life, it’s apart of who I am. As I’ve aged it’s become increasingly more difficult to stay in excellent shape. Previously, as much as I tried to change my routine up, nothing I seemed to incorporate would give me the results I was seeking and I found this very frustrating. That all changed once I found circuit works! I’ve been going to circuit works for a little over a year through class pass. I was surprised that by going just once a week in addition to my other workouts, I got greater results then when I wasn’t including circuit works in my routine. I started to notice muscle groups I’ve struggled to build before, especially my abs! I can easily say this workout has changed my life and my body. I whole-heartedly believe the reason this particular workout works so much better than everything else is because of the dedication to the high intensity interval training (HIIT). I’ve been to multiple other boutique gyms that claim to teach HIIT training, but it’s really not. The interval changes throughout the hour workout where you are getting back on the treadmill to rev up your heart rate every 2-4 min (depending on your instructor) is a real HIIT workout. I have not been able to find another workout as strict on the HIIT training as Circuit works is in LA (or anywhere else for that matter). Another great aspect is the use of the heart rate monitor; it’s a great tool for success and to create results. I can’t get enough of this boutique gym and apparently a lot of other people feel the same, it’s been getting booked! I am beyond grateful for the owner Raphael for creating such a program, as well as for the amazing trainers and staff who continue to provide a great atmosphere for transition and tons of fun! Thank you circuit works!!!!” Theora Dobronte

3 Months ago I made a commitment to myself. My commitment was to go a 100% at practicing what I preach and leading by example. Transformation is only possible when you are able to connect the mental, physical, and spiritual dots inside of you. It takes all three of these aspects inside you to make change happen, and not one is more or less important than the other. Although it feels good, Appearance is just a byproduct of the benefits. My journey continues, and with the help of Circuit Works I feel there is no goal I can’t achieve. I’m not only the CEO of Circuit Works, I’m also a proud client.